Study finds yerba mate prevents colon cancer

February 16th, 2012 | Posted in Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

A study reported by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Engredea News & Analysis, finds the caffeine derivatives in yerba mate tea not only induced death in human colon cancer cells, they also reduced important markers of inflammation, say researchers.
The article goes on to say..
Could preventing colon cancer be as simple as developing a taste for yerba mate tea? In a recent University of Illinois study, scientists showed that human colon cancer cells die when they are exposed to the approximate number of bioactive compounds present in one cup of this brew, which has long been consumed in South America for its medicinal properties.
“The caffeine derivatives in mate tea not only induced death in human colon cancer cells, they also reduced important markers of inflammation,” said Elvira de Mejia, a U of I associate professor of food chemistry and food toxicology.
That’s important because inflammation can trigger the steps of cancer progression, she said.
The results of the study strongly suggest that the caffeine derivatives in mate tea have potential as anti-cancer agents and could also be helpful in other diseases associated with inflammation, she said.
But, because the colon and its microflora play a major role in the absorption and metabolism of caffeine-related compounds, the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects of mate tea may be most useful in the colon.
“We believe there’s ample evidence to support drinking mate tea for its bioactive benefits, especially if you have reason to be concerned about colon cancer”.
To see the article in full, please click on the following Link:
Food For Thought sells Yerba Mate Tea at both stores.